How to Start a Podcast
by Admin
Posted on 17-01-2023 07:13 PM
Well…it’s definitely easier said than done.
Entrepreneur and podcaster chris harder invited me to a special q&a at his mastermind where i answered some questions about podcasting. Honestly, i get this question a lot, “what’s your advice on starting a podcast?”
…and i tell most people…they shouldn’t. With more and more people starting podcasts everyday, it will take so much work to stand out in the crowd. You can have the right intentions, but if you don’t start with the right foundation, your podcast will probably disappear into the void. But if you are clear on why your podcast needs to be made and who you’re serving, you stand a fighting chance.
There are four simple steps to starting a podcast. I’ll explain these steps in further detail a little later, but for now, get familiarized with these steps. Once you’ve mastered these, you’ll be able to start your podcast in a matter of days, maybe even a few hours. Here are the four basic steps to help you to understand precisely how podcasts work:.
It’s time to start your podcast! podcasts are becoming more and more popular for sharing information and talking about any topic imaginable. It's like being on your radio show, where you control the subject matter and are in charge of the entertainment. But have you ever wondered how to start a podcast with no money? starting a podcast can seem like an expensive and complicated process on the outside, but it doesn’t have to be. If you want to create your podcast but think it's too costly, you're in the right place. First, you may be wondering what perfect name you need to come up with or what exciting things you need to talk about, and you can’t wait.
How to Start a Podcast in 9 Easy Steps
There are many software and tools that you can plug in your mic to start recording your podcast. Here are some of the best and most used software:
auphonic: this mobile app is an audio recorder and editor. It also helps you measure the noise in the room which is perfect for you to make changes in your recording setup if required. Once the recording is done, you can straight away send it to the auphonic server for post-processing. The app is available for android and for ios as well. Camtasia:
camtasia is a popular screencasting tool that could be used for audio recording as well.
What’s important to consider is your listener and their experience when listening to your podcast. Is it easy to follow? is the content engaging and accurate? are your episodes fun to listen to? can you use musical transitions or jingles to break up long periods of talking? listen to established podcasts and see how others do it, what common themes there are, and how they get their show to flow. Then, pick a structure that you like and importantly, a structure that means you’ll be able to keep producing even when you’re busy and start with that. Jpeg or png format rgb colourspace having the right artwork for your podcast is important as a wider representation of your audio brand and how you want to be perceived by your audience and peers.
However, investing in expensive equipment and specialist hosting can be a daunting prospect. Therefore, you might be wondering how to start a podcast for free. Fortunately, it is possible and not too difficult to start a podcast for free. You can take advantage of free recording software such as audacity and publish your show on directories. By eliminating your startup costs, you can work on growing your show at no risk to your wallet. In this post, we’ll show how to start a podcast in eight easy steps. Even better, you can complete each step without having to spend a cent.
Step #1: Choose a topic you love
It takes time to get the word out about your podcast. Follow these five steps to build a successful podcast marketing strategy. 1. Share your podcast with friends and family share your podcast with loved ones and ask for feedback. You can get their honest opinions and have them leave your first reviews on apple podcasts. 2. Create a buzzsprout ad you can grow your listenership by running a podcast promo with buzzsprout ads. Podcast promos are more effective than traditional ads since they target the right audience for your show. Target people who listen to podcasts find listeners already interested in your podcast's topic reach 5,000 listeners for just $100.
Once you’ve identified the name and the topic, the next step is to identify the podcast category. The idea is to narrow down these options before starting the process as it makes it easier to understand the direction that you and your team are heading towards. The category is where your podcast will find its home for all the major platforms like apple podcasts, spotify, and stitcher. Take apple podcasts, for example, where there are currently 16 main categories and then some of them are broken down into subcategories. You can choose either the category or sub-category. The category allows listeners to understand what they can expect from your show.
As you get going, remember that your podcast should be something you care about. Npr's training team, which trains public radio journalists, created this guide for thinking through a podcast idea. Two essential questions they recommend thinking about: who is this podcast for, and why are we the right people to make it? another important step: picking the format. If you listen to podcasts, you probably know they all sound a bit different. Some are long conversations between two people, some feature lots of guests. Others weave pieces of tape in and out of the narration. Before you get started, you've got to decide what format works best for you (and your resources.
When you pick a title for your podcast, there are several different directions you can go. You could us your name (the “john smith show”), use a clever name that uses jargon from your industry in the title (a fishing podcast called “the reel story”, for example), or use a descriptive name that tells people exactly what your podcast is about. Keep in mind that if you can work some keywords into your podcast title, it might help it turn up in searches on itunes or google when people search for podcasts about your topic.
Naming your podcast is a hugely important step. You want your podcast’s name to relate to your subject matter or likeness, as well as be clever or memorable. Avoid using the word “podcast” in your show’s name—it’s redundant and takes up valuable character space. Speaking of character space, strongly consider the total length of your title. Longer doesn’t necessarily mean better. In fact, a study by pacific content found that most podcast titles are 29 characters or fewer. In addition to a title, you’ll need to spend time creating your branding elements. Branding elements encompass your show’s cover art, color palette and any custom design or audio work.